8/1 2023

Nightmare Town is a horror game idea i had while drawing a little monster in my sketch book. The whole idea is that the main character ends up in a place called Nightmare Town and it being persued by freakish hell spawn taking form of the creatures of nightmares.

Story: The main character is reporting missing peoples in his home town and people who say that they went missing but escaped. These people then get taken in for questioning. When asked what happened, the people say they went to sleep and had a nightmare then woke in an unfamiliar town, and that after exploring, started getting chased by what they described to be big hands, clowns and a man with circular saws for hands. They say they don't remember how they escaped. or lived. After all the interviews are finished, you go home and sleep in bed. After having an (Interactive) nightmare, you wake and this is where the game begins.

Now, i'm going to be real with you, I have no clue where to begin, so i'm just going to split the writing into sections: Monsters, Setting and Gameplay.

Monsters: As horror games go, you usually want some creepy enemies to chase you or to give you a heart attack. For effective monsters, they need to look creepy and have unique features and mechanics.

8/1 2023

Night crawler: The night crawler is a simble concept and is what made me think of thegame idea. It's design is a sack bag on a hand like body. (Not Thing. I thought of this before I found out about Thing. Added 8/06 2023) It only comes out at night and is no bigger than a garbage bin. (Lol. Added 8/06 2023) It will chase you and grab you, drain your health and sanity. you can only avoid it by hiding and running if it's on you, you can get it off by being near any light source. (Inspired by denizens: Call Of Duty: Black ops 2 (zombies))

Art coming soon lol